

"We need to move rapidly. What we do in the next 3-4 years, I believe, will determine the future of humanity. We are in a very, very desperate situation”  Professor Sir David King, 2021 [1]

“Our addiction to fossil fuels is pushing humanity to the brink. We face a stark choice:  Either we stop it — or it stops us.” UN SG Antonio Guterres, 2021 [2]

Humanity is on a cliff edge, climate breakdown will destroy human civilisation unless emergency action is taken to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero. The reality is indisputable. We have to act now.

This means we must stop burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) - the main source of greenhouse gases [3] - before it kills us.

Drilling for more oil and gas is an act of war against small island states, an obscene injustice against the poor living in the global south and an utter betrayal of our young people.

You won't find much about the state we are in on the BBC and other mainstream media. I recommend these top scientists and research centres